Our first step in the process of investment planning is to assess your capacity for undertaking financial risk. We create your risk profile based on a thorough understanding of your risk-taking ability through a risk profiler questionnaire that captures your demographic and socio-economic profile. Every client has unique responsibilities, objectives, personality, and other variables. We at CREDIBILIS believe that every client’s wealth plan must be unique and based on his individual risk-taking capacity and personality.

We follow dynamic asset allocation that is suited to your risk portfolio. Your wealth is carefully distributed among various asset classes like equity, debt, real estate and other alternatives to maximize your returns.

Our systematic approach to Investment Planning services:

Our Investment Planning service is based on these simple facts:

  • Market timing doesn’t work.
  • Creating and preserving wealth needs diversification.
  • Focus on the long-term, and don’t let short-term diversions distract you.
  • Investing is not about making money but about helping you achieve your financial goals

Here’s a preview of what our Investment Planning service cover:

Understanding Your Financial Goals

During our initial meetings we will understand what your financial goals are, and we will help you prioritize some of the most pressing short, medium and long-term financial objectives you would like to accomplish.

Analyze Your Current Situation

The next step is to analyze your current situation in terms of your savings and current investment portfolio. Sometimes this stage of our review results in actionable steps that can immediately benefit you.

Proposing An Investment Strategy

With that information in hand, we can draw-up comprehensive personalized investment strategies that will help you reach your financial objectives. This may be accomplished by building upon your existing portfolio, or proposing tax-efficientinvestments that are aligned with your personal financial goals.

Implementing The Plan

Our Investment Planning approach is dynamic, and constantly evolves with your changing circumstances. We will guide and advise you on investment plan transitions as you go through life and life-style changes.

Frequent Reviewing and Monitoring

We will monitor and review your investments, plans and strategies in light of changing economic scenarios. Throughout our relationship with you, we will keep you informed, and communicate constantly with you about proposed changes and potential risks or opportunities for your investments.